Monday, February 27, 2017


Song (Re)Cycle: Of Fury I

My mother said,

They still looked beautiful

while they were picking them up

in pieces,

the children.

(Originally posted on August 01, 2006; re-posted on July 20, 2014, re-edited)


Yasmin Waring said...

I read the Lebanes Blogger daily. The pictures posted today were tragic and, oddly, grotesquely beautiful.

These broken children looked like they were napping under thin blankets of dust. And then wrapped in thick cellophane bags with huge twisty ties like pieces of bitter candy.

I was praying that there serene faces meant they felt no pain.

mareymercy said...

The contrast between the idea of beauty and the reality of violent death is an appropriate, jarring represenation of what is happening - the beauty of children, stolen from the world too soon, such innocent death, too pure to be "ugly" even when destroyed.

Eve said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sad!

Akiva M said...

beautiful words, Ash, for an ugly ugly reality

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

This is the same photo that had me in tears all this afternoon...and together with this poem! This MUST stop! I hate this killing, I hate Hamas and Hezbollah, I hate Israelis, and Syrians, and Iranians, and Bin Laden and George Bush, and Americans, and North Koreans, and ALL politicians and generals, and bullies, and pedophiles...I could go on and on (but I won't). I'm done.

G'nite. God bless.

Daniel said...

But the Jewish State must succeed and grow and prosper and it doesn't matter to them who or how many gets killed in the process as long as the Star of David flutters overhead!

And should it flutter over the corpses of innocent children and the destruction of innocent countries then that is the price the world has to pay for the triumph of God's Children.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I lied, Ashraf. I don't really hate all those people. I was angry, but like Anne Frank, I really believe that most people are good at heart. I am proud to be an American, because America is filled with good-hearted people, as is Lebanon, and Iraq, and Israel, and North Korea. I am not ready to give up on mankind.

arch.memory said...

To all,
Thanks for your comments... In hope that this tragedy is not repeated before the violence stops.
Pepek, don't worry, I have said worse things at such times. We're only human, all too human...

Russell Ragsdale said...

Ash. I'm glad you put this one in the Poetry Carnival. The clear injustice now can be seen in your mesmerizing view. We are all too human.

arch.memory said...

Russell, it also happens to be the last one I've written till now, and the only one I haven't entered in the Carnival yet. For some reason, poetry has failed me since...

Jo Janoski said...

Wow! This poem cuts to the quick. It goes beyond words like a slap in the face...the ravages of war.