Thursday, November 15, 2007

Patagonia Remota

For the next 10 days, this is where I'll be. No internet, no blogging; nothing but the land, the sky, and words...


Russell Ragsdale said...

Hi Ashraf! Hope you have a happy time there. It has been looking like you've been needing some time to regroup. I put a meme tag on you, BTW. Best wishes to you, my friend.

_z. said...


arch.memory said...

Ziad, it was SPECTACULAR! I had the time of my life; I can't recommend it highly enough. We just flew back in today; so as soon as I get the chance I'll post some pictures, and they'll more than speak for themselves. The hotel was amazing; here's a couple of features about it in Architectural Record and Architecture Week.

And thanks, Russell; yes, I did need it. I wish I can say I was productive, writing-wise. But frankly it was such a great time I didn't truly care. I'll try to do your meme this week, though it's a tough one..