Kill, kill, kill everything.
Kill the light falling on this page
like a false promise of warmth;
kill the news of a world in spiral.
Kill time, cruel time, ruthless time,
endless time, fleeting time, time
laying at your feet like a bored dog.
Kill hope, lazy hope, easy hope, hope peeking
like misguided blossoms in a snow storm.
Kill this, the need to reach out and touch,
say I am here, and you?
Kill that, the urge to call them, to hear them,
to assure them as only you want to be assured.
Kill it, kill it all, kill the want to live again, kill
the want to die, kill the want to be, to become.
Kill it and remain, not a reminder, just
a hollow shell mistaken for what was,
just an answer to a question that has
long ago given up on one.
(Originally posted on February 03, 2012)
Kill the light falling on this page
like a false promise of warmth;
kill the news of a world in spiral.
Kill time, cruel time, ruthless time,
endless time, fleeting time, time
laying at your feet like a bored dog.
Kill hope, lazy hope, easy hope, hope peeking
like misguided blossoms in a snow storm.
Kill this, the need to reach out and touch,
say I am here, and you?
Kill that, the urge to call them, to hear them,
to assure them as only you want to be assured.
Kill it, kill it all, kill the want to live again, kill
the want to die, kill the want to be, to become.
Kill it and remain, not a reminder, just
a hollow shell mistaken for what was,
just an answer to a question that has
long ago given up on one.
(Originally posted on February 03, 2012)