Last night the electricity went out in Philadelphia for a couple of hours. I was almost nostalgic lighting up the candles around the house. In the dark, anywhere could be Beirut.
But then one of the candles burst out in flames; the wax itself was on fire, the round top of the thick cylinder was ablaze. I tried to put it out, throw water on it, but that only made the boiling wax splash onto my hand. I tried to sleep, with my hand dangling in a bucket of ice water, but I just couldn't. Underneath the pain I must have sensed something in the air, a whiff of the news I was to wake up to.
Today my nostalgia took a darker turn...
I'll consider ur comment in LBF as mine..
Thanks for the comment; I am glad I have this forum right now to share my thoughts. I feel so frustrated and isolated; here most people have no idea what's happening and act like nothing's wrong... And I feel a knot in my throat that I can't even swallow... Knowing I am not alone makes it a bit better.
Another knot in my throat friend..
Don't know how it is being alone here and feeling that u can do nothing..
it is very painful
for you dear
Just fearfully wait it out.. with a knot in the heart.
My apologies for this delay but I have been meaning to write to you.
I want you to know that I share in your pain. I know how it feels to be so far away from home and to feel isolated, as you wrote, and helpless....to feel even guilty...
My thoughts and prayers to you, your family, your country and its people....
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